About Us

Helping Individuals to Achieve Financial Freedom!

Rak has quite an international personal and business background. He was born in Nairobi, Kenya to east Indian parents. He grew up in around London, England where his entrepreneurial skills were honed at the tender age of 10. He recognized his love of business ownership by starting work for an older lady newspaper shop owner by delivering papers to homes, all before going to school at 8.30 am. And then delivering the evening newspapers after school. Next, he delivered milk door to door, again before and after school. His love for sports, especially soccer and cricket, allowed him to be able to purchase his own soccer boots and cricket equipment without adding any additional financial burden to his hard- working immigrant parents.

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Our Work Process

Step 01

Defining Yourself

We have the experience and knowledge to help you find the business that fits what you want to achieve. We will walk you through what…

Step 02

Defining Yourself

We have the experience and knowledge to help you find the business that fits what you want to achieve. We will walk you through what…

Step 03

Defining Yourself

We have the experience and knowledge to help you find the business that fits what you want to achieve. We will walk you through what…

Step 04

Defining Yourself

We have the experience and knowledge to help you find the business that fits what you want to achieve. We will walk you through what…

Our Customer Review

Rak has walked the walk in franchising and shares his invaluable experience. If you are looking to create a new life or invest into a new opportunity through franchising you will have the voice of reason on the other end when you reach out to Rak.

Rak has walked the walk in franchising and shares his invaluable experience. If you are looking to create a new life or invest into a new opportunity through franchising you will have the voice of reason on the other end when you reach out to Rak.

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